What is your dream?

I would like to say dreams can answer questions, not of shallow thoughts about how much wealth or fame you gain. But put life into perspective.

The world is changing and it is real. Most people living on less than $1.9 are in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, and each year 3.1 million children under the age of five die from malnutrition. The maternal mortality rate after childbirth is 14 times higher in developing countries than in developed countries, and 617 million adolescents cannot read or write. Nearly 1,000 children die from diarrhea every day, and 4.2 million city dwellers die from air pollution. Humans are polluting water faster than nature's ability to purify it, and since 1901 the global average sea level has risen by 19 centimeters. The Arctic has lost 1.07 million km² of ice every decade and is expected to rise by 30 cm in sea level by 2065. GHG emissions have increased faster than emissions over the past 30 years, and ocean acidity has increased by more than 26% since the Industrial Revolution.

As I was preparing for this KISMUN, I watched your ‘excellence’ and I believe that it will grow even more through exchanges over the course of 3 days. I have no doubt that your linguistic talents and critical thinking skills will be the catalysts in making you the protagonists that change the future. However, I hope that you will cultivate altruistic excellence that encompasses everyone, not just selfish excellence. Excellence shines brightest when used for the sake of others, not boasting about yourself. Therefore, I hope that excellence will come together and become a dream so that the noble dream can meet the future desired by everyone. Do not take for granted this time and experience which you have. I, too, will not take this moment for granted. I love you all. Thank you.

Lastly, my primary reason for participating in MUN is the sense of accomplishment, confidence, and passion. Everyone probably would feel exhausted right after the three days of MUN, and I was no exception. However, I found confidence, which grows into the driving force to carry out other following tasks as well, and it is the key factor that keeps me fond of MUN. In KISMUN 2022, I am looking forward to sharing this wonderful experience with every one of you.


Hyun Soo Cho

Conference Director of KIS


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” American Philosopher - Will Durant

So, what does it mean to have excellence? How do we consistently strive for excellence? Excellence is defined by 1. The quality of being excellent. 2. An excellent or valuable quality: virtue.

This is what describes this year’s KISMUN. To experience your excellence. To seize the opportunity to further develop your “virtue.”

During the conference, you will all work together to find solutions to some of the greatest problems facing the world. Finding ways to work together in order to promote international relations, national security, economics, and human rights will be tasks that you as MUN representatives have to develop. Your acceptance of different viewpoints will be crucial throughout the conference and as you assume leadership roles in the future. Remember that your journey of excellence doesn’t end after the conference is over, but is only the beginning. As your careers and lives progress, continue to seek out ways in which you can make your own contribution towards peace and prosperity for humanity, wherever life takes you, and whatever you do.

Though very new to the advisorship of the MUN program here, it has been my privilege to oversee and be a part of this year’s KISMUN. I have learned and seen the sheer determination of all you and am inspired to do the same. All of you should be proud of your efforts and accomplishments and I wish you all the best in this year’s conference. Figggghhttttinngg!